Headset Assistant UX
Pixel Buds is built to provide fast and reliable acccess to Assistant. The experience is thoughtfully designed to consume information on-the-go i.e. if you have an upcoming meeting or you’re waiting on a text from a friend, the Assistant can alert you to a calendar event or incoming messages.
It's also the first headphones to introduce real-time translation (well we set the foundations to make it truely real-time in coming year) making it a perfect accessory for international travels.
Getting the basics right!
Speed matters
Tiggering Assistant on most Google devices was taking anywhere from 500ms to 1000ms. The Assistant chimes, dialog and auto end-pointing when put all together were all adding to unneccesarry delay.
UX, Sound Eng and Touch Eng rebuilt the interaction structure which resulted in the fastest Assistant in market.
Voice commands
Assistant is a complex system. If one command works in one platform, its not necessary that it will work for another.
We had to pipe all the commands to make sure the Assistant response is based on the platform context and is according to user expectations.
Real-Time Translation
Be the first
Translation was one of the most loved feature idea within Google on Pixel Buds. We received great user response and saw the market need.
Collaborated with Translate UX to set the vision for the feature. Directed research and interaction to make sure we are setting right foundations for future generation products.
OOBE & Setup